The C++ language is also said to be the main ingredient in the development of various operating systems and software applications.Ĭ++ language intends to develop large-scale applications and software infrastructures that can work in a resource-constrained environment.

C language lacks the support of any exception handling.Ĭ++ (also known as the C language with classes) is the derivative of the C language and is equipped with Object-Oriented Support. Exception Handling: Exceptions in programming languages allow you to handle the errors or any bugs.Run Time Checking: C compiler shows the errors after the complete execution which makes it difficult for checking the lengthy code.Moreover, C does not have any constructor/destructor due to the absence of basic OOP concepts. OOP: C is the basic programming language and does not offer object-oriented concepts (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation).For instance, the kernels and drivers are developed using the low-level functionality of the C language and the high-level aspect focuses on developing software applications.Īpart from the extensive list of advantages, the C language does have some limitations which are described here: High level and low level: The C language allows you to write in high-level as well as a low-level language programs.Dynamic Memory: The memory of the objects can be allocated at the run time.Data Structure: The algorithmic implementation of the C language provides the smooth computation of the program.Structured Language: The testing and maintenance of the C programs are effective as the code is divided into multiple chunks.Portability: The code of C language is machine/system independent, and the code can be executed on various machines.Base of programming languages: The famous programming languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Perl, are developed using the C language.The following distinctive features enforce the novel developers to learn the C language in 2022: Moreover, applications such as Oracle DB, Git, and Python Interpreter are also developed in C language. C language acts as the building block of operating systems such as macOS and Windows. However, the C language emerged as the most used programming language with cross-platform support. Initially, the C language support was available for UNIX-like operating systems. With the invention of the C language, the programming community came to know about structured programming. C language is known as the mother of most programming languages. The C language is based on the COBOL language which is known as the father of programming languages. Here, we have listed down the best programming languages to learn in 2022 along with their advantages and disadvantages. A coding agnostic user switches the languages to better serve the community with the latest and best features of a programming language.

The continuous evolution of programming languages intends to overcome the limitations of existing programming languages or to add some flavor to the world of programming. Keeping in view the importance of programming languages, this informative guide provides a list and a brief explanation of the best programming languages to learn in 2022. It becomes a challenging task for a novel computing enthusiast to choose which language best fits the situation. In the current technologically rich era, the number of programming languages has been increasing day by day. Numerous communities have contributed to the development of programming languages. Computer programming languages have evolved over time. A programming language contains instructions that direct a computer to perform a specific task.